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Monday, January 31, 2011

Nair Newsline January 2011

What’s Up:

Vinod Nair has got a new job as a chef for a company called Sodexo. He cooks for the miners on a site called ( ). Vinod has to work for two weeks, and has a break for one week. He cooks breakfast and dessert, and is really happy with his new job! So we wish him luck and congratulate him!

Fantastic Food:

Pista Kulfi:

This yummy treat is a pistachio ice-cream, extra creamy, and an Indian Favourite.

How to make it:

Whip 400ml Evaporated Milk in a bowl.

In a separate bowl, whip 200ml Cream. When it is about the consistency of Whipped Cream, Add 1 Cup of Sugar. Grind some Pistachios with 4-5 Cardamom Seeds. Add this to the Cream and Sugar as well. Finally, mix in the Evaporated Milk and it’s almost ready! Just pour it into your chosen mould or container and freeze it for atleast 4 hours. Yum!

Art and Craft:

Is your resolution to learn to draw? If not, why not make it a fun goal to do in your spare time? If you DO make time for this, the Nair Newsline can help you on your way.

Why should I learn?

If you have to ask, then you probably shouldn’t. but the benefits are that it’s fun (though frustrating- to get better you will have to keep going for ages), once you learn you can do much more like paint, sculpt, capture things around you, even draw people! (Which would be really cool. I mean, wouldn’t it be nice if you could draw someone and capture how they look and what they are feeling realistically?) But if you can’t spare time- which is the only thing you really need to do it that you don’t already have- then don’t do it.

How much time is ideal?

About half an hour a day sounds pretty good because it’s not too much but it’s enough to get lots done. But if you’re really busy, you could try to do it every second day for 20 minutes, or maybe just 10 minutes of rough sketching a day. Create any plan according to your needs, and stick to it. You don’t have to show up every time. It’s like a class- you wouldn’t do it if you were sick or had something else on, but you’d go otherwise.

What are different ways to learn?

· Classes. You could sign up for drawing lessons, if you wanted to. This is actually easier in some ways because if you don’t then nobody is going to tell you that you have to draw, you have to do it yourself.

· Books: Plenty of How-To-Draw Books can be easily found. What to buy: A book that suits your requirements. Ie. If you want to learn drawing with pencils, you’ll need a book specifically on that. Or if you are a beginner and want to draw things realistically, you should look for something for beginners. Check out Amazon.com for reviews and get something there, or just go to your local bookshop- it’s bound to have something on it! Check out the Nair Newsline’s Drawing Resources, it’s coming in February.

· Sites: It’s easy to find online lessons, from Ehow or About lessons, to a specific site. They are [mostly] free, which is an advantage on lessons or books, but it’s hard to find the right- or a good- one. Just search How to Draw, or Online Drawing Lessons, and look at lots before you choose. The Feb issue of NN will say stuff on sites, what exactly they contain, etc.

What do I need?

All you need to start is pencil and paper! Though sites and books will often tell you to buy a range of materials, you really don’t need to. It’s your choice.

If you do buy things like technical pens, kneadable erasers, and drawing pencils, you will find it easier to shade and do things each site tells you to.

But the rational side will say that first you should be really interested, dedicated, and work with what you have before going and buying stuff!

Both are true! So do whatever you want! Drawing at it’s purest could just be drawing in dirt with a stick!

All you need to learn to draw is basically, draw.

Some guy called Sinclair Lewis was once invited to talk to come students about the writer’s craft. He stood at the head of the class and said, “How many of you are really serious about being writers?” A sea of hands went up. Lewis then asked, “Well, why aren’t you at home writing?” And with that he walked out of the room.

Drawing is pretty much like that. Though you need some knowledge to put you on the right track, if you want to do it and do it you will reach your goal.

Laugh out Loud:

New year’s jokes:

*May all your troubles last as long as your New Years Resolutions.

*Youth is when you’re allowed to stay up late on New Year’s Eve. Middle Age is when you’re forced to.

*Many people look forward to the New Year for a new start on old habits.

*An optimist stays up until midnight to see the New Year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves.

*People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and New Year, when they really should be worried about what they eat between New Year and Christmas!

* He who breaks a resolution is a weakling; He who makes one is a fool.

The World of Imagination

Chapter 3 of “Shelby’s Story” by Karuna Nair:

Would you like a copy of the Full Version of Shelby’s Story with art and the original layout, for free? Just Subscribe to the Nair Newsline! Once you’re subscribed, you just need to request for a copy of the book! Check out details on how to subscribe at Your Space this issue!

Chapter 3: Confusion

“Get into the bubble, Shelby, Jenny.”

“What about the airport?”

“Oh, we checked there while you were with Adam, Philip isn’t there.”

“Where are we going?” Jenny asked.

“Marshland, we’re going to Mrs Wilson. She will help you look… I have things to attend to.”

I didn’t bother asking who Mrs Wilson was. I would find out soon enough.

Suddenly the bubble was fulling hard to the ground. My mouth froze and I clung to the couch, terrified. Were we crashing the bubble?

I found out that we were instead plunging through metres of cold water. Halfway through the journey, I could see a large metal object, resembling a ship. But I wasn’t sure what it was. Tossing us two pairs of glasses and a small piece of grass each, Albert got out of the bubble and swam away.

“Eat the grass,” Jenny said.

“I did as she told. The grass was sweet and soft, and suddenly I felt lighter and I was breathing much slower.

“It helps you stay underwater- you can breathe, and if you can’t swim you can easily float with the lightness.”

“Jenny- what is THAT?” I pointed to the large metal ship I saw earlier.

"It’s a water powered ship.

She opened the bubble and surprisingly, spoke while in the water.

“Follow me.”

We swam past a few opaque domes and then suddenly fell down a step.

“Ground level,” Jenny said. “You can walk here.”

“Helloo Jennifer. Is this Shelby?”

“Yes. Shelby, this is Marie Wilson, my personal tutor. She is helping us look around Marshland for your dad.”

“Actually- make sure NOT to tell Albert, but we have a slight change of plan. I just want to show Shelby- some letters sent to your dad. You, Jennifer, can do your maths test,” said Marie. And then Marie handed me some white leaves with thin black writing on them.

The black writing on those leaves bore-

  • “You, Mr Shauister, are vile and should be sent off the earth. How dare you do this to Him? How dare you!! Our town was nice enough to actually let you in here anyway, what with YOUR records.”

  • “To Al, I have made sure He is not put in Marshland. The citizens know too much about you.”

  • “Shauister, What have you done with Him? Soon we will be sending you away- our men are searching the island for the great founder. Mr Cruz.”

What did these mean? Obviously Mr Shauister had done something wrong… but what? And who was He, or Him?

“Can I go outside Mrs Wilson?”

“Yes Shelby. Don’t go out of Marshland, ok.”

I headed out and looked at the small white cubes and friendly people chatting or swimming around. What had the letters meant? Maybe I shouldn’t be with Mr Shauister… who else would help me though? Mrs Wilson, Mr Cruz, the innkeeper… I didn’t really need him.

But I decided not to leave him until I knew his crime and found my dad. At least I had someone to be my personal bubble-driver.

Shelby! Albert has called and is ready to pick you up and keep looking! Remember what you learnt in today’s lesson, I’ll meet you later!” It was Mrs Wilson.

I knew I would remember the letters. They were such a mystery to me.

“Girls! We are heading to DigiWorld- not to look for Philip, just to run a quick errand. Get in the bubble!” said Albert.

“Where is Digiworld?”

“It’s in a computer lab…” Jenny replied.

I rested my fingers on the bubbles clear surface as I wondered what Digiworld was. Stars Island was clearly fascinating, no matter how strange it was!

“What exactly IS Digiworld?”

“Digiworld is a suburb… like a computer suburb- where each computer is a house.”

Jenny seemed to be talking a lot more. Then I realized so was I. I was always incredibly shy around new people, and I had just met Jenny and Albert this Day. What a huge day! I would be missing out on a lot if I hadn’t chosen to go to Stars Island.

“We’re here,” Albert said briskly.

We walked into a large room filled with many computers. The first 5 were marked “Guest Computer-Use the analyser.”

Albert pulled out a large leather chair with wires and a screen attached to it.

“Sit down Shelby.”

I sat in it and watched as Jenny strapped wires over my arms and plugged them into the screen. I felt a pulling, like someone was tugging my shirt. Then after that I experienced the feeling of flying, sort of floating on thin air with a lot of adrenalin. Now I felt normal again. But- I was inside the computer! I walked around, and tried to speak. It came out in a text bubble. This was like some crazy kids movie… and my dad had created this? Wow.

A few minutes later, Jenny was beside me, smiling.

“Have you done this before?” I asked her.

“No, we live in Sky Dome… We haven’t been there yet.”

“Ok,” I nodded.

Then I watched as Albert strapped himself into the seat, and pressed the button.

“BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!! Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert!”

Two guards dressed in white with dolphins on their uniform rushed in and surrounded Albert. A police officer jumped out of a small keyhole in a computer’s hard drive, regained his body, and went to join them.

“You have the right to remain silent, Intruder. You will be questioned and your status danger will be double-checked.”

“Am I going to be let out?” Albert said.

“Yes, only after questioning.”

As they left, I wondered where me and Jenny could go.

Your Space:

How to Subscribe: Email me that you’d like to subscribe to the Nair Newsline!

Why to Subscribe: You get the news delivered straight to your email, each month. PLUS you could get bonuses like the Shelby’s Story Full Version with Pictures in Jan, Feb, and March, and other things in the later months.

Current Subscribers: Anita Menon

Site of the Month: http://thedisneyfifty.blogspot.com

My new blog especially for reviews on Disneys Animated Movies! You can catch them on My Life blog (karunanair99.blogspot.com) as well, but the specific Disney 50 site features pics and is for non-members.