? ??????????????Live Forever? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.6 (15 Ratings)??1369 Grabs Today. 26073 Total Grabs. ?
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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Nair Newsline November

Nair Newsline:

Whats Up

The Dosa Shack:

Is the title of Nashta’s stall. Months ago, The Nair Newsline told of Nashta’s business and stalls. Here is a little refresher:

Nashta is a business run by Vinod Nair. It was the name of the stall, but now has been replaced with the catchy title ‘The Dosa Shack.’ Now, Nashta is the business and the Dosa Shack is the stall. The Dosa Shack appears at various big festivals in Perth. The newest member is Vinod’s friend Jason, who helps by helping customers while Vinod cooks.

The Dosa Shack’s featured in:

Perth City Markets [2009]

Araluen Botanical Gardens Fremantle Chilli Festival [2010]

Rockingham Mussel Festival [2010]

Fremantle Markets [2010]

East Perth Markets [2010]

Cockburn Sping Fair [2010]

Langford Multicultural Food Fair [2009, 2010]

The menu is now as follows:

Dosa- Either Masala Dosa, or Dosa with sweet and sour chicken/ pepper chicken. On some occasions also with Squid.

Appam- With Chole/ Coconut Milk.


Dal Wada

Gulab Jamuns

Laugh a Lot

"I got an A in spelling," Tony told his father.

"You dope!" he replied. "There isn’t any A in spelling!"

"My sons real smart!" crowed the mother to an acquaintance.

"He’s only six but he can already spell his name backwards and forwards!"

"What’s his name?" asked the friend.


How can you spell chilly with two letters?

IC (icy) …

Little Johnny wasn’t very good at spelling. During an oral spelling exam, the teacher wrote the word "new" on the blackboard.

"Now," she asked Johnny, "what word would we have if we placed a "K" in the front?"

After a moment’s reflection, Johnny said, "Canoe?"

School Doctor: Have you ever had trouble with appendicitis?

Fred: Only when I tried to spell it.

Can you spell very happy in 3 letters?


Daughter: I will never learn to spell.

Mother: Why?

Daughter: The teacher keeps changing the words.

How do you spell we without using the letters W or E?

U and I…

Fantastic Food

Curried Chicken Balls


Cream Cheese

Mango Chutney, Curry Powder/ Any spices you want

Cooked Chicken Breast

Cashews, chopped

Sliced onions

Toasted coconut

In a large bowl, beat cream cheese till soft. Add chutney and curry powder and beat till it is well mixed. Cut chicken into small cubes, and stir in along with cashews and onions. Mix. Form mixture into balls and roll in toasted coconut to coat. Chill for at least two hours before serving.

YUM: Fried Octopus balls. Unfortunately you need equipment to make them, so you’d need to buy them to try!

Check Out: sliceofmylyfe.wordpress.com

For the restaurant reviews by Anita Menon.

Art and Craft

Christmas Decorations!

I just realised that I probably want to create some more homemade Christmas Décor for the tree, so I found some How To’s for babies, toddlers, kids, adults!

Handprint Wreath- Paper, Paint, Hands, Paintbrush, Any Stickers or Lace you have.

Description: Easy as pie!

Good for: Putting up on a bare wall.

Dip your hands in one shade of paint (Could be green, to resemble wreath, or just about any colour) and create a circle of handprints. Use the paintbrush in a different colour to create little berries. Then Decorate with your stickers and lace!!

Christmas Tray- Styrofoam Bowl/Paper bowl, Paint in various colours, Gold Glitter Glue

Description: Fun, Easy!

Good for: Putting little snacks like cookies or pedas in to give to friends with your Christmas card.

Paint the whole bowl in one colour, or striped in two colours.

[Colour combos could be: Green and Red with Gold Glitter

Gold and Silver with Red glitter

Pale colours paired with bright glitter]

When bowl is dry decorate edges with glitter glue.

[Another option is when you go to a Take out store ask for an empty carton. If it’s blank go ahead and paint, decorate, if there is a logo cover it with stiff card or crepe paper first. This will work to the same purpose; instead of a little bowl you have a pretty carton.]

Christmas Card Holder: 35 Popsicle sticks, Glue, Wax paper or plastic grocery bags, White satin ribbon.

Description: A bit harder, but fun to decorate when finished.

Good for: Holding the Christmas Cards you receive.

http://crafts.kaboose.com/3x5holder1.html : Is for recipe cards but will work for Christmas cards.

The World of Imagination

This is Chapter 1 of Shelby’s Story by Karuna Nair. A chapter will be published every month till the story is over. Enjoy!

Chapter 1: Decision

“Good Morning Miss Shelby.”

“Good Morning Miss Coyle, how are you today?” Miss Coyle was a soft-spoken English maid, and sometimes she told me stories of her past employers.

“Fine thanks, are you feeling any better?”

“Not really no, I just have body pain and I’m tired- and my throat is hurting.”

“Okay Miss Shelby. Headmistress and Teachers say today you are free to do anything you like and rest up, tomorrow if you are still unwell you will see a doctor.”

“Thanks Miss Coyle,” I said as she handed me a tray with breakfast.

As she shut the door, I thought about it to myself. A day without lessons, and a day without any of her friends to talk to either. I decided I’d sort through my closet of things and then watch the TV in the lounge. I hadn’t sorted through some of my things since I had come to the Rusty Hill Boarding School. That was 5 years ago, when I was 8 and horrifically sad that my mother was gone. When I became happy at the school, it felt like I’d betrayed her. There had been a pile at the bottom of my closet that I’d been afraid to touch because it contained memories of life before my current life. Before boarding school. I could barely remember much of that life anyway. Remembering back, it probably contained a photo book and a few old clothes.

I looked at the large cardboard box covered in clothes and books and other things. As soon I opened it, a small glossy photo floated out of the box. I thought it’d be a family photo before my Dad left, like in a movie. I hoped so, but instead it was a photo of me with my friend on my 7th birthday. Not even my mum was in it. She was behind the camera taking it, though. Inside the box were a few books covered with leather or felt cases. They were filled with pictures. I could remember

the story of each and every one of the photos. In the middle of the third book, I found what I was looking for. My Dad was holding me, with his arm around my mum. I was probably a newborn or a 1 month old. There was a photo of my mum and dad fighting, that I had taken and my Mum had printed it because she never knew it was among all the other plastic smiles we had clicked. I saw me and my Dad before he left, our last moment together. Me and Mum before she got cancer. I suddenly started crying. They had both left me. My Mum had suffered terribly before she passed away- I was only 8. Suddenly I realised just why that box hadn’t been touched in 5 years. Stuffing everything back in the cardboard box and pushing it under a heap of things, I left the room. Lying on the couch and reading, the sorrow didn’t stop at all. I couldn’t even read a page properly, I was so tired. I tried fruitlessly to distract myself, until I fell asleep, my head hurting too much what with my fever and sorrow.

“Miss Shelby, are you okay?”

I could hear the headmistress’ plain but sweet voice. Pulling myself together, I sat up.

“I’m fine.”

“Okay- you aren’t sick anymore?”

“Um… I don’t know… just a sore throat, nothing else much…”

“So what did you spend your day doing?”

My throat felt dry and I didn’t know what to say. She had been like a mother to me over more than a third of my life. But it was still an awkward thing to tell anyone.

“I was looking through my closet.”

“You mean you were looking at photos of your mother?”


“A girl in your dormitory went to get something she forgot, and saw you sobbing. She told someone, like she was meant to- and I put two and two together.”

“I just felt like… looking. And I didn’t realize how sad I’d be.”

“Don’t even think about looking for your father, understand?”

“Look for my father… what a good idea! I never thought of it till now!”

“No… Shelby, I don’t want you getting hurt and disappointed...”

“Well I won’t! Thank you Mrs Wich. I’m sorry but I have to do it- it’d be awesome to live with him again!”

“Go to sleep for now. I’ll see you tomorrow, and we will discuss this matter.”

As soon as I woke up I remembered the past days discovery. Looking for my dad…Imagine if I found him… things would all be right again. It would be a happily ever after. I ran into the lounge, no one else was there. I turned on a computer and opened up a Search Engine, typing in Philip Francis Stewart. Philip Stewart on Facebook…College record of Philip Stewart… STARS Island leader-Philip Francis Stewart….. Huh? Stars Island? Clicking on the page, I saw a brightly coloured website titled STARS Island.

Stars Island is a new Island located in the Southern Hemisphere, pretty much in the middle of nowhere. It is dedicated to keeping its people happy with as simple a democracy as possible. Our main ethoses are environmental friendliness, community, and making sure government only needs to help with certain things. Our land is quite interesting including an underwater, digital, and sky, suburb. You must have certain license to get in and be a good help to society.

Current Main Government-

Leader- Philip Francis Stewart….”

Saving the website into favourites, I rushed back to my dormitory. I had exactly 10 minutes to get ready for breakfast.

After breakfast, I asked the nurse to let me have a days rest; I was just too tired for lessons. My teachers instead gave me my work- not just half, trust me- and said I could complete it at my own pace but it was to be handed in the next day. I didn’t really care. I don’t mind doing lessons- I just needed alone time to work out what I’d do to get to Stars Island. Of course I was going. It was too big an opportunity to not take. I couldn’t do it after lessons, it was too crowded. My dormitory would be full, the computers in the Lounge would be taken by the older girls- This was an easier option. I got started straight away. I found out there were flights to French Southern and Atlantic Lands, then you could travel by ferry to Stars Island. In total it’d cost $500- Which was a HUGE offer. The plane was a horrible trashy kind with no service and low rates- even worse than the kind there normally are. The ferry was alright- it was just cheap because of money conversion and lower prices down South. I decided to tell Mrs Wich. If she said no, I could just go anyway. But I’m sure she would say yes. She’s so nice. So after lessons, I went to her office, and knocked gingerly at the door.

“Come in.”

“Um...hello Mrs Wich…”

“Hello Shelby… thought about searching for your dad yet?”

“Um…Yes actually Mrs Wich. I’ve found out he is actually the Prime Minister of a new society on an island far off.”

“Wow… are you sure? Anyway, is there any chance of me stopping you?”

“No,” I said, a small grin appearing on my shy face.

“Well then I guess you’ll go whether I like it or not. Do you have the money?”

“Um… No…” I realised that I wouldn’t, sadly, be able to afford it. From saved up pocket money before the Boarding School and birthday money from friends, I had $300.

“So what are you going to do?”

“Get a job for the rest of this year to pay me $200 for next year?”

“What if… I gave you that $200. I know it seems like I’m being partial, but the thing is, I would sacrifice my money for any of you girls. Don’t go telling them that though. I won’t have my money spent on silly things that are in fashion. But I know you’ll use it wisely…”

“Um… thank you very much, but you don’t have to do that for me! You definitely don’t have to give me money, just permission!”

“Oh Shelby… don’t worry about it okay? Worry about finding your Dad and visiting me when you do! Just think of it as 5 years of birthday presents from your second mum.”

I hugged her. She was too nice. She had been like a second mum… her and all the rest of my teachers. They were all lovely.

“Thanks a lot for everything,” I said before leaving.

“Oh,” I remembered something as I opened the door. “Goodbye.”

I still felt guilty. She had given me $200, and she was my Principal, for crying out loud! That didn’t mean I wasn’t excited though… Straightaway, I booked online tickets. Printing them out, I looked at them and hugged them. Those thin strips of paper were my whole life now…


This is a variation to the survey. We’ll put the questions in and publish, you reply to get published the next month! If you really don’t want to be published please still reply so we have a variety of opinions!

Do you celebrate Christmas and how?

What do you want the Nair Newsline to put in at December on Christmas?

If you won a prize about Christmas would it be:

a) Up to 50 Christmas Cards to give to friends and family

b) DIY Christmas Decorations/Cards

c) Readymade handmade Christmas decorations

Your Space

Happy Birthday:

Arjun Tiwari (4)

Aman Nair (5)

Rishabh Mannar (6)

Current Subscribers: Anita Menon

We are thinking of holding a Christmas competition… Please send in your response if this is a good idea… Prize suggestions are in the Questions section, but if you have something else in mind then please say so! We will only be able to do this if we have at least 5 participants, so please join in!

The contest will be sending in a pic of your Christmas tree with your family around it! Don’t have a tree? Put in pictures of your decorations, food, whatever!

Website of the Month: http://www.howtodothings.com/